Friday, July 12, 2013

Just a few goals

My Dreams 
Find extended family history information about my great great grandmother (about her children)
·         Set aside 20 minutes to research her name and find connections
·         Write down any information found though research logs
·         Talk with Dad about what I discovered, if any
·         Discuss weekly findings with family
Transcribe my Dad’s Mission letters to his mom
·         Read one letter
·         Transcribe at least one paragraph (more if possible)
·         On days with extra time, transcribe more of whichever letter I am working on
·         Transcribe at least one letter
·         Include thoughts about the letter with each transcription
·         Add the letter to the book of “letter’s to mom”
·         Interview with my dad
·         Write down his thoughts looking back on each letter
Deadlines: Finish the letters in 6 months time

Indexer and family history master
·         Work on Indexing 20 minutes
·         Research and log family history 20 minutes
·         Complete at least 4 indexing projects
·         Find new information about a person in my family tree
·         Collaborate with my family members through a call or an interview (grandparents, aunts, uncles, parents)

Deadline: Be an expert indexer and complete 3 new generations of family history by next year (2014)

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